FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Rockhampton
How many dentists work at your clinics in Rockhampton
We have 2 highly experienced dentists based in Rockhampton, who serve Emerald along with 4 dental assistants, so you can be assured of a friendly and warm welcome and gentle and caring treatment.
Are there any dental services or treatments that your Rockhampton dentist provide that not many other clinics in the area offer?
Yes. We provide;
- The latest computer-guided digital implant systems using premium dental implants.
- Same-day crowns and porcelain veneers using the latest CEREC Technology
- Sleep dentistry utilising a range of anti-snoring and teeth grinding devices
- State-of-the-art IV and Oral sedation dentistry and general anaesthetics
- Bone grafting
- 3D Cone beam X-ray technology (CBCT) for better diagnosis and treatment planning
- Digital Smile Design
- Wisdom tooth surgery
What payment methods do you offer?
We offer patients several ways to pay including cash, credit card, and HICAPS. In addition, our dentist in Rockhampton and Emerald offers several flexible payment options that allow you to spread payments over a number of weeks or months. These include: ZIP Pay, AfterPay, Open Pay or the National Dental Plan.
We also accept all forms of valid health insurance and are preferred providers of BUPA. Finally, we accept DVA, CDBS.
In addition we are providers for Your Health Wallet
Do you offer any promotions on services when patients visit your dental clinic in Rockhampton QLD?
Yes we do, we have our own Rewards program, Its called Signature Club
Where Your Smiles are Not Only Appreciated but also Rewarded!
The rewards program is exclusively for our patients of A2ZDental in Rockhampton and Emerald.
You would be invited to the program and for every dollar you spend at A2ZDental it is converted into points which can be used for your future dental treatment needs.
Check back to see our offers from time to time.